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- /***********************************************************************
- * The following macros handle most vector operations, the exceptions
- * usually being complex equations with four or more vectors.
- *
- * An alternate form for the multiple-statement macros is the
- * "if (1) <macro_body> else" form. This allows for temporary variable
- * declaration and control-flow constructs, but cannot be used
- * everywhere a function call could, as with the form used below.
- *
- * Note that since the vector arguments are not enclosed in parentheses
- * in the macro body, you can scale the vector arguments in the macro
- * calls, e.g. Vec2Op(vec1,=,scalar*vec2).
- *
- * Here are some example uses of the following macros:
- *
- * printf ("Vector = <%lg %lg %lg>\n", VecList(vector))
- * vector_dot = VecDot (vec1, vec2)
- * norm = VecNorm (vector)
- * VecScalar (vector, /=, norm)
- * VecScalar (vector, *=, scale)
- * Vec3Scalar (Xaxis, =, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- * Vec3Scalar (vector, *=, Xshear, Yshear, Zshear)
- * Vec2Op (vector, =, Xaxis)
- * Vec2Op (vector, +=, norm * Xaxis)
- * Vec3Op (vec1, =, vec2, =, Xaxis)
- * Vec3Op (vec1, =, vec2, -, vec3)
- * Vec3Op (vec1, +=, scale2 * vec2, -, scale3 * vec3)
- * VecCross (vec1, -=, vec2, X, vec3)
- * VecCrossSafe (vec1, =, vec1, X, Xaxis)
- ***********************************************************************/
- #include <math.h> /* Needed for sqrt() definition. */
- /* Vector type definition. If you define colors in the same manner,
- ** you can also use these macros for color vector operations. */
- typedef long float Vector[3];
- typedef Vector Point; /* For readability. */
- /* VecList enumerates the vector fields for function calls. */
- #define VecList(V) V[0], V[1], V[2]
- /* This macro computes the dot product of two vectors. */
- #define VecDot(A,B) ((A[0]*B[0]) + (A[1]*B[1]) + (A[2]*B[2]))
- /* The VecNorm macro computes the norm of the vector. */
- #define VecNorm(V) sqrt(VecDot(V,V))
- /* VecScalar provides for scalar operations on a vector. */
- #define VecScalar(V,assign_op,k) \
- ( V[0] assign_op k, \
- V[1] assign_op k, \
- V[2] assign_op k \
- )
- /* Vec3Scalar provides for vector operations that involve three
- ** distinct scalar factors. */
- #define Vec3Scalar(V,assign_op,a,b,c) \
- ( V[0] assign_op a, \
- V[1] assign_op b, \
- V[2] assign_op c \
- )
- /* Vec2Op provides for operations with two vectors. */
- #define Vec2Op(A,assign_op,B) \
- ( A[0] assign_op B[0], \
- A[1] assign_op B[1], \
- A[2] assign_op B[2] \
- )
- /* Vec3op handles vector operations with three vectors. */
- #define Vec3Op(A,assign_op,B,op,C) \
- ( A[0] assign_op B[0] op C[0], \
- A[1] assign_op B[1] op C[1], \
- A[2] assign_op B[2] op C[2] \
- )
- /* The cross product macros come in two flavors. VecCross() requires
- ** that all three vectors are distinct. With the VecCrossSafe()
- ** macro, it's OK to do A <- A X B, but this requires a temporary
- ** vector for storage, which in turn requires the "if (1) ... else"
- ** form. As an alternative, a global temporary vector could be used.
- */
- #define VecCross(A,assign_op,B,dummy_op,C) \
- ( A[0] assign_op (B[1] * C[2]) - (B[2] * C[1]), \
- A[1] assign_op (B[2] * C[0]) - (B[0] * C[2]), \
- A[2] assign_op (B[0] * C[1]) - (B[1] * C[0]) \
- )
- #define VecCrossSafe(A,assign_op,B,dummy_op,C) \
- if (1) \
- { auto Vector result; \
- VecCross (result,=,B,X,C); \
- Vec2Op (A,=,result); \
- } else